Unfolding the World Famous Chettinad style cuisine to all the food lovers of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Philadelphia and DelawareAnjappar restaurant, specialists in the 200 years old Non-Vegetarian and Vegetarian style authentic Chettinad cuisine coming soon to entice your appetite. Established in 1965 In Chennai and with branches at home ( Chennai, Pondicherry, Hyderabad and Bangalore) and overseas( United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, and Sri Lanka) now for the first time in New Jersey.
Grand Opening - February 2008
2186 US-130, North Brunswick, New Jersey -08902
(Near US-130 North Brunswick Dunkin Donuts/Kiddie Kingdom)
Phone #: 732- 297-3663
Fax # 732- 297- 7227
chettinadu@gmail.comWebsite under construction